A Small Part Of Something Really Huge’: Kellogg Couple Honors Veterans With Underwater Memorial

Southeastern Minnesota Statues Part Of Nation’s First Underwater Veterans Memorial
KELLOGG, Minn. – On Aug 4, Shelly and David Speedling

Underwater Broll with sound bites

On the Road with Jason Davis

Reference site about Lorem Ipsum, giving information on its origins, as well as a random

A Unique Underwater Memorial Honors US Military Veterans
(CNN) — On the sandy bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, 12 concrete statues stand in a circle to….

MN Artists Work On New Sculpture For Underwater Memorial
Once approved by the clients, around 1,100 pounds of concrete is mixed, poured, and then…

Minnesota Couple Build Statues For Underwater Memorial Honoring Veterans
NEAR KELLOGG, Minn. (KTTC) – If you want to visit a new memorial honoring our nation’s….

Kellogg-Made Statues Sunk As Part Of New Underwater Memorial
KELLOGG — Divers off the Florida coast can enjoy a little piece of Minnesota in the…..

CBS This Morning (Aug 8, 2019)
SVJ We are not named but our battlefield cross with Staff Seargeant Shawn Campbell (Iraq…..

Minneapolis Star & Tribune Link Below:
Minnesota company’s statuary is popping up at memorials, backyards, even undersea….